This hysterical little piece is from a publication put out by Veer called The Amazing Summer Activity Book for the Creative & Their Pals.
Hey. I'm creative. And you guys are my pals. Perfect! Copy and paste mine from the Comments, make it your own, and then post it with mine.
Try this one on for size:
Hey, did you hear I'm in a new band? We're called the Flaming Novas. Yeah, I quit playing with Empty Shadowcat. Those guys are beat. Our sound is kinda like Meatloaf meets The Chemical Brothers meets The Cosby Show, but way more kitsch. Way more kitsch. We're playing at the Sickly Squirrel on Saturday. You should come-- it's gonna be totally electrifying.
Hey, did you hear I'm in a new band? We're called the Dripping Sunfires. Yeah, I quit playing with Purple Festivas. Those guys are retarded. Our sound is kinda like The Killers meets The Righteous Brothers meets Clarissa Explains it All, but way more tepid. Way tepid-er. We're playing at the Befuddled Platypus on Saturday. You should come-- it's gonna be totally boss.
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